Westview Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
is an Open and Affirming Congregation 

Believing in the love of God, as exemplified  by the life of Jesus the Christ, we openly welcome everyone and exclude no one.

You are Welcome.

You are Affirmed.

You are a Beloved Child of God. 

If you would like more information about Westview, please call (317-291-7871) or email (wccdoc@indy.rr.com) the church office.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westviewccindy


9:30am Sunday School
10:30am Worship with Communion*

Each Sunday we gather in worship, learning, and thinking about our faith. We admit we don’t have all the answers, so we invite you to join us in questioning, investigating, and learning about how faith in Jesus Christ can make a difference in how we live in the world today.

*All are welcome at the table of God's love. 

To know more about the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), click links below:
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Region of Indiana